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Create A Web Page

So, if you're anything like me, you have surfed enough really cool sites on the net and you've wondered, how did they do that? I wonder if I can do that also? Well, you can. And you heard it before but it's true, "If I can do it, anybody can."

In the next 24 hours, approximately 100,000 new Web pages will be posted in publicly accessable areas of the Internet. Every one of those pages-like over 100 million pages already online-will use the Hypertext Markup Language or HTML.

If you read on, your Web page will be among those that appear on the Internet in the next 24 hours. And this is the day that you gained one of the most valuable skills in the world today. Mastery of HTML is an ongoing process for me but a highly enjoyable one. Learning at my own speed and plenty of trails and errors are how my pages develope.

It all started in my case with a WebTV. It's not a computer but a small black box developed by Phillips/Magnavox and Sony to let the viewer surf the internet and be interactive at the same time. It's an amazing box and I highly recommend it. I would visit all these great sites and dream of putting up my own page. On the net there are resourses for just about anything you can dream of and help in creating your very own page is not left wanting. There are hundreds of self help pages to get you started. I guess this one would be included.

Now I'm not going to suggest to you that I can teach you HTML on this page. I've only been at this 6 months (Aug.'97). But I can show you the links that I used to create this site. And the amazing thing about it is that it was all FREE!

But at the heart of HTML is what are called tags. The first thing to remember about tags is that they travel in pairs. Every time you use a tag-say

<marquee> -you must also close it off with another tag-in this case, </marquee> Note the slash -/- before the word "marquee"; that's what distinguishes a closing tag. This is what a "marquee" tag would do in your web browser.

Cool, huh? But the marquee application can be irritating to some so use it very sparingly, please. You can control the speed, the direction etc. within the marquee tag.

Below are the sets of tags needed to set up a basic web page.


That's all there is to it! These four sets of tags allow you to create a no-frills document that is readable by a web browser. Within the

<BODY></body> tags is what appears on the web page to the viewer. It is essential to remember to type both the < and > parts of each HTML tag.

The HTML tag set,

<HTML></HTML>tells a web browser the document is written in HTML and contains the entire document, what is visible to the reader in the body and other things as well.

The HEAD tag set,

<HEAD></HEAD>Contains special information for web browsers, including the<TITLE></TITLE>tags, which contain the name of the document which appears at the top of the web browser and is what will appear in the person's bookmark file if they bookmark your page. It is also the only part of the HEAD section that is visible to the reader.

So check these links out if you are interested in creating your own web page. You'll be totally confused at times but the end result can be very rewarding. Good luck, have fun, and be sure to let me know when your up and running so I can visit your page!


Introduction to HTML

HTML 3.0 Specification

HTML 3.2 Reference Specification

The Compendium of HTML Elements

Free Pages

Tripod..(2mb free space, great editor and more)

GeoCities..(2mb free space, 1.1 million members)

Angelfire..(I'm not familiar with them but I'm told it's similar to Tripod & Geocities)

Audio and Image Links
Free for the grabing

Dracc's..(Midis, gifs, backgrounds, etc.)(link for nuttin, completely free)
Sound Central
The Complete Midi File Directory

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