Buy IT!! Steal It!! Borrow It!! Get A Loan!!I have to say that this is an incredible device. I was online many years ago before the internet was around and I decided to get off because it was costing me $150 on up a month to play on AOL.

Then while watching an infomercial one day, WebTv came on. It said I could surf the internet, with all it's unbeiveable wealth of information, without the high cost of an expensive computer. It would cost me around $350 (now I hear it's even cheaper), and my telephone bill would be $19.95 a month (and now this is even cheaper). Sure I said to myself, and what are the catches?

Well, I fell for it and when it arrived, I was surfing the net in less than 30 minutes. Incredible!!! I couldn't get enough of it. My house and garden, not to mention my girlfriend who I haven't seen in three months, were left behind like they didn't even exist.

After I surfed around and saw all the neat "homepages" and found out you can have them for free, I decided to try it out for myself. You are looking at the results. I got the idea and built this site while sitting in my living room on my leather couch watching my big screen tv. It comes with a wireless remote and wireless keyboard so you can interact with everyone. It has a bunch of email address's so everyone in you family can recieve and send email.

Really...if you know of anyone who has been reluctant to join this fantastic journey into cyber-space, or even if you have a computer and just want to surf with your own tv and it's picture quality and sound system...This Is The Ticket!!!

Now you can't store images and graphics because it doesn't have that capability. So I have had to dust off the old 'puter to be able to send files to my server. I use my computer for uploading and downloading and I don't link to anyones graphics. But you can use the WebTv for even that. There are sites, such as Draac's, that welcome just this sort of activity. I perfer to have my files with my server though.

As of this date, November 28th 1997, I understand WebTV is costing around the $99.00 range. Unbelievable!!!